Our Testimony

Jeremy and Sarah met in December of 2009 through e-harmony and began dating quickly after they first spoke online. Sarah was finishing her enlistment in the Army at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington D.C. and Jeremy was working as an embedded software engineer at a small firm in Annapolis, MD. Their personalities could not be more different, Jeremy was 100% the engineer cliché: quiet, socially awkward, and intense; Sarah: nurturer, talker, and equally intense. It was a God set-up for sure. They married on May 1st 2010 and were pregnant with Emilia a month later. They were both over 30 when they got married and they definitely each came with baggage. In fact, that is an understatement. Recap of their first year of marriage: they abused each other and ended up living separately for 4 months. In that time, they got counseling, got some healing, and got pregnant again. God gave Jeremy a completely new heart. The pictures of him from before that night and after are totally different. It was a miracle. Sarah, on the other hand, took a bit longer. Things in their home-life changed for the better. They weren’t arguing all of the time and Sarah wasn’t struggling with the bed-rest routine as much. It was good and they were pregnant again with their third girl, Lillian! Then Jeremy felt God calling him to teach and calling their family into missions. They accepted the call in a simple prayer and Jeremy was laid off that afternoon from his job (this would be one of many). They moved up to Maine with Jeremy’s parents and through God’s divine plan, they were soon off to Kona for the Family DTS in 2013. They flew to Kona with a 2 year old, a 1 year old, and an infant. They were excited. They thought they were “good”. They weren’t. They arrived and Sarah was miserable. First, she was former Army and thought she could handle ANY living situation. She failed to calculate “mother’s guilt” into the picture. It is one thing to have dirty feet yourself but when your kids have them and their grandmothers see it on Facetime… She was so fearful that something would happen to the kids. It all came from her own childhood experiences that she hadn’t really dealt with and so, she was just being torqued up inside every day. Then, there were all of these people that just wanted to love them. They just loved and loved and loved and looooooooved them. It was too much. Sarah had no clue how to receive such love and it made her upset all of the time. Then, the Lord started to press on those areas that weren’t healed (that she thought were) and the result was a terrified, victim-version of herself. She could not wait to get out of there and away from THOSE people. She was so fortunate to have some people in their DTS class that were candid with her. There was one woman, who told Sarah that she needed to learn how to truly forgive. Another woman told Sarah that she was tired of hearing her complain. There was a couple that both ministered to them in different ways. The wife would tell us every day, the things she saw in us or things she saw God doing, a real encouragement. Then her husband told Sarah “The way you talk to your husband is abuse and he doesn’t deserve it. He is a good man”. Yikes! It was intense. After much tension and struggling, Jeremy and Sarah went to speak with an older couple who counsel folks at University of the Nations. Sarah was terrified of their love. Jeremy was so open and raw, it was amazing. At one point, he had a 104 fever for 4 days and would walk down to see the couple, just to curl up on their little couch and talk with them. One day, the gentleman looked at Jeremy and said, “You can’t offend me. You can’t make me mad. You can’t make me not love you.” Those sessions had an immediate effect on Jeremy but Sarah still struggled to let anyone really love her. She was overwhelmed by her own brokenness and how she could live so long, even travel to Kona for “missionary training” and never know she was this messed up! While all of this was going on, they found out that Sarah was pregnant again (after trying to avoid another pregnancy) with twins! This was the first time they weren’t over-the- moon-happy for another life, instead they were totally overwhelmed and didn’t understand “what God was doing”. This would be 5 kids in less than three years and frankly, they were tired. Tired and broken. Sarah’s first three pregnancies were full of issues from incompetent cervix to pre-ecclampsia. They were sure that the outreach would be very dangerous for all three of them (Sarah and the babies) and asked that God would hold back the finances needed if they weren’t to go. God provided just enough money for their plane tickets back to Maryland. Looking back, they can’t imagine the effect it would have had on the DTS if they went on the outreach and they are grateful God spared all of them. They weren’t ready for the outreach. After returning, Sarah was put on bed-rest immediately and went to work on “The Wounded Heart” book(help for sexual abuse victims). It may seem silly to say that a book would change someone’s life so drastically but, it did. She was able to deeply heal in broken places and God used the DTS to lead her to complete life change. Their marriage doesn’t resemble what it did. God is their source but they are each other’s best earthly friends. They share an equal passion for the Word of God and knowing Him. They sharpen each other.

Since returning from the Family DTS in 2013, the Lozier Family has been preparing to launch into missions work full-time in Africa. They moved back to Maryland for a season with Sarah’s family and time to dive into church service at International Community Church. This season has been rich in lessons and friendships! Always keeping a watchful eye for the time God has selected to begin their missionary service, Sarah and Jeremy have applied to DTS classes, only to have paperwork hung up or classes canceled due to lack of students. Finally, in June of this year, the Lozier Family was accepted into a DTS in Morogoro, Tanzania! As they have walked forward in the pile of paperwork requirements, health evaluations and immunizations, schedule planning and fundraising; every door has opened wide. To learn more about their future ministry plans, check out the Halal House page under the Ministries tab.

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